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Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

4 participants

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Dim 18 Sep - 20:05

KOTET ou  Knights of the Eternal Throne est le nom de la prochaine extension de Swtor on s'attend notamment à la poursuite de l'Histoire de KoTFE (Knights of the Fallen Empire ) donc au passage du niveau 65 au niveau 70 avec tous les changement de classes et de stuff qui vont avec et justement parlons-en des changement de classe : (ATTENTION site en Anglais, sorry Smile) :

le lien : https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/news/5-0-class-changes

Pour ce qui est de la date de sortie : Il est dit sur Swtor.com que ce sera dans le courant de l'automne donc vers les vacances de la Toussin comme d'hab entre octobre-novembre.
Voila c'est tout ce que je peux vous dire pour l'instant Smile

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Ecrelinf Mar 20 Sep - 9:19

Le up du merco heal
 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! 82087310

Messages : 75
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2016
Localisation : Bugarach

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Ecrelinf Dim 9 Oct - 3:02

Pas de nouvelle opé avant début 2017 (février voir mars vu qu'ils donneront plus d'info lors de la cantina tour de janvier)

Exactement ce que je disais ils ont passé plus de temps sur leur cinématique que sur leur contenu sinon ils nous auraient mis les opé en meme temps que le DLC


Messages : 75
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2016
Localisation : Bugarach

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Syphow Dim 9 Oct - 10:52

Ba ils peuvent pas tout faire en même temps oula faut pas leurs en demander beaucoup

Messages : 561
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Localisation : Flotte impérial


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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Dim 9 Oct - 17:57

Personnellement je penses que c'est mieux que rien qu'ils aient prévu de nouvelles op, on aurait pu ne pas en avoir du tout.
Deplus c'est pas non plus si loin de la date de sortie de la maj et je penses même que c'est fait exprès car les op seront sans doute en corrélation avec l'histoire principale comme pour tds dans shadow of revan .

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Lun 10 Oct - 22:49

Enfin, ils l'ont fait ! Bioware durcit sa politique envers les gold sellers du jeu !


En gros ils ont banni des milliers (" des milliers "! Shocked Shocked fallait vraiment faire le ménage xD)

- Fermeture d'une faille dans le jeu qui permettait apparament aux gold sellers de créer rapidement et facilement des comptes qui pouvait vous envoyer du courrier dans le jeu et accéder à la flotte.

- Des modif apportés à certaines fonctions automatisées existantes pour mieux repérer et donc suspendre les vendeurs.

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Mer 19 Oct - 15:49

Aïe Aïe ça sent pas bon Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad


et parce qu'on est jamais assez agacé Evil or Very Mad :


Voila les dernière info de Kotet silent

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Mandalore Mer 19 Oct - 18:00

Le système de commandement et les ZL ca a l'air intéressant quand même. Mais c'est vrai qu'une op en plus ça manque.
Enfin ce qui manque c'est surtout un système qui fait que les activités type ZL ou autre soit intéressante car quand tu connais l'op et ce que tu y gagne tu as plus envie de faire le reste....

Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2014
Age : 30
Localisation : Toulouse

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Ecrelinf Jeu 20 Oct - 15:15

J'en ai discuté hier soir avec Koéos et on c'est accordé sur le fait que le remplacement du loot d'opé par leur nouveau systeme de commandement et de loot via leveling ça pue clairement la merde

Messages : 75
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2016
Localisation : Bugarach

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Ecrelinf Jeu 20 Oct - 15:15

Over 9999
By Far

Messages : 75
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2016
Localisation : Bugarach

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Sam 22 Oct - 19:54

D'autre info en provenance du New York Comic Con, ça date du 11 octobre 2016 mais ça mérité d'être présent : http://dulfy.net/2016/10/11/swtor-musco-responds-to-nycc-cantina/

Ce qu'il faut retenir :

Eric dit que les équipes de BioWare se sont concentré en priorité sur le contenu solo, d'où le gros recyclage de contenus multi qu'ils nous ont pondu dans le stream.
Le point important, est qu'il insiste sur le fait que BioWare une fois la maj 5.0 lancé les développeurs se refocaliseront sur le multi, ce qui inclue les OPÉRATIONS. On devrait donc avoir des nouvelle Opérations entre Janvier et Mai comme je l'avais dis dans un post ci-dessus. Voir texte ci-dessous :

Eric a écrit:What we said is that after KOTET’s launch, the team is refocusing on group content. Our hope is that as a part of the January Producer Letter or Livestream, we will have more specific updates on what is to come. This includes all types of group content, but was a specific answer to the question of Operations.

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Mar 25 Oct - 18:20

La fin des pass à la 5.0 :


Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Ven 28 Oct - 19:01

Commandement galactique -- Soulèvements

Nous vous présentons les Soulèvements, une toute nouvelle expérience de combat qui sera disponible avec l'extension Knights of the Eternal Throne le 2 décembre. Plongez au cœur d'intenses batailles à 4 joueurs qui mettent au défi les joueurs de tous les niveaux. Une fois le niveau maximum atteint, vous pourrez participer aux Soulèvements via l'interface de Commandement galactique, accessible depuis n'importe quel point du jeu. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus à propos du Commandement galactique, rendez-vous sur notre blog aperçu qui se

Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les Soulèvements ?
Qu'est-ce qui différencie les Soulèvements d'autres activités comme les zones litigieuses ou les opérations ? Les Soulèvements sont des combats rapides et bourrés d'action où vous devrez affronter de nombreux ennemis en même temps, avec des adversaires chaque fois plus difficiles.

Dans Soulèvements, vous plongerez rapidement dans l'action pour affronter certains des ennemis les plus dangereux de la galaxie. Ces adversaires ont créé les Soulèvements, remettant en question la puissance même de votre Alliance. Avec la sortie de Knights of the Eternal Throne, vous pouvez personnaliser le niveau du défi dans n'importe quel Soulèvement, et choisir parmi plusieurs modes de défi, y compris Histoire et Vétéran. Les Soulèvements en mode Vétéran feront partie des batailles les plus difficiles du jeu, mettant vos amis et vous au défi pour remporter des récompenses encore plus importantes.

Dans les Soulèvements, cherchez des bonus spéciaux dans la zone pour vous aider dans votre combat. Ces bonus incluent :

   Lance-roquettes Tempête - Lance un prototype de missile instable qui explose au contact et déchaîne une pluie d'éclairs dans toutes les directions. Les ennemis pris dans le rayon d'action sont foudroyés et étourdis pendant 3 secondes, et ils subissent d'importants dégâts en continu. De plus, l'impact initial inflige de lourds dégâts assommants, qui mettent les ennemis à terre.
   Dévastateur thermique - Explosif le plus puissant et le plus redouté de la galaxie, le dévastateur thermique libère une onde de choc incendiaire qui brûle les ennemis. Tandis que l'impact initial calcine les ennemis dans un brasier impitoyable, l'onde de choc qui suit les propulse dans les airs avec une force capable de leur briser les os.
   Clarté au combat - Pendant une courte durée, vous pourrez vous déplacer plus rapidement et utiliser vos pouvoirs les plus puissants sans aucune retenue.

Avec ces bonus à votre disposition, vous devriez pouvoir venir à bout de n'importe quel Soulèvement qui fera son apparition dans la galaxie.

Préparez-vous à rejoindre vos amis et membres de la guilde dans les Soulèvements !

source : http://www.swtor.com/fr/info/news/blog/20161027

Dernière édition par Darky le Ven 28 Oct - 19:06, édité 1 fois

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Ven 28 Oct - 19:04

Commandement galactique – Obscurité contre Lumière

Dans Knights of the Eternal Throne, vous découvrirez une nouvelle fonctionnalité palpitante : le système de Commandement galactique. Ce système vous permet d'influencer l'équilibre de la Force™ dans la guerre entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux. Dès vos premiers pas dans le jeu, vous pourrez choisir de combattre pour le côté obscur ou lumineux de la Force™. Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pourrez changer de côté à tout moment. De plus, toutes vos actions, y compris les ennemis tués, les missions terminées et les choix effectués dans l'histoire détermineront l'alignement de votre personnage, renforçant ainsi votre impact sur la guerre entre l'obscurité et la lumière en déclenchant des batailles du côté obscur et lumineux sur votre serveur. Voyons maintenant comment ça fonctionne !

Comment mesurer l'obscurité et la lumière
Une fois votre côté choisi, vous commencerez à obtenir des points du côté obscur ou lumineux, et vous pourrez voir l'alignement de votre personnage changer dans la fenêtre Personnage. Vous pouvez afficher votre alignement en appuyant sur la touche C (par défaut) et en observant la jauge obscurité/lumière à gauche dans la fenêtre Personnage, comme montré ici :

www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/cb/20160622_DvLGuides/5Legendary_MercilessRighteous_Resize.png" alt="" />

Chaque point obtenu par votre personnage sera ajouté au total de points du côté obscur ou lumineux sur votre serveur, ce qui fera basculer l'équilibre de la bataille d'un côté ou de l'autre. Vous pouvez découvrir si la bataille penche en votre faveur ou non en ouvrant la fenêtre Commandement galactique (appuyez sur la touche CTRL_G) et en observant la jauge obscurité contre lumière en bas de l'écran, comme ceci :

www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/na/20161017_GCOverview/GalacticCommandOverview_854x480.jpg" alt="" />

La jauge en bas de la fenêtre Commandement galactique affiche le statut actuel de la bataille sur votre serveur. Lorsqu'un côté se rapproche de la victoire, la jauge reflètera le changement en faisant passer le côté dominant vers la gauche ou vers la droite. Comme vous pouvez le voir, il y a 5 "points de rupture" de chaque côté, chacun représentant un "niveau". Par exemple, si le côté lumineux est actuellement en tête et que son indicateur se trouve au même endroit que dans la capture d'écran suivante, il est au niveau Lumière 3.

www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/na/20161017_GCOverview/GCDvLLight3_Resize.jpg" alt="" />

L'alignement de votre personnage et la progression actuelle de la bataille entre le côté obscur et lumineux du serveur ont un impact sur la galaxie. Découvrons quel impact ils ont l'un sur l'autre et comment un côté peut remporter la bataille !

La bataille entre l'obscurité et la lumière
Si un côté obtient la victoire, les effets commenceront à se faire sentir à travers la galaxie. Par exemple, disons que le côté obscur l'emporte et qu'il se trouve au niveau Obscurité 5. Vous commencerez alors à voir un peu partout dans la galaxie des personnages du côté obscur attaquer, comme par exemple un seigneur Sith prêt à lancer un assaut contre le Temple Jedi sur Corsucant. Les joueurs du côté lumineux pourront donc se rassembler pour essayer d'éliminer cette nouvelle menace du côté obscur. Ainsi, ils pourront peut-être même obtenir des points de commandement bonus ou des jetons du côté lumineux afin d'acheter des objets auprès d'un marchand du côté lumineux exclusif.

Alors que la bataille progresse entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux, vous avez la possibilité de gagner des jetons supplémentaires avec le Commandement galactique ! Si l'alignement de votre personnage correspond au côté qui est en train de remporter la victoire, vous obtiendrez un jeton du côté obscur ou lumineux en plus de la caisse de commandement à chaque fois que vous atteignez un nouveau rang de commandement. Prenons un exemple : si votre serveur se trouve au niveau Lumière 3, vous obtiendrez un jeton du côté lumineux à chaque nouveau rang de commandement, tant que votre personnage est du côté lumineux. Si votre personnage est du côté obscur, vous obtiendrez seulement une caisse de commandement à chaque nouveau rang de commandement, sans le jeton du côté obscur supplémentaire.

Butin de guerre
Pour remporter la bataille, votre serveur doit atteindre le niveau "Obscurité 5" ou "Lumière 5". Le côté qui atteindra le niveau 5 en premier sera déclaré vainqueur de la bataille ! Si l'alignement de votre personnage correspond au côté gagnant (ex : votre personnage appartient au côté obscur et le côté obscur atteint le niveau "Obscurité 5"), vous obtiendrez les avantages suivants :

   Des points d'expérience de commandement bonus
   L'accès à un marchand d'objets cosmétiques spécial

Si l'alignement de votre personnage correspond au côté perdant (ex : votre personnage appartient au côté lumineux et le côté lumineux a perdu la bataille), ne vous inquiétez pas, vous obtiendrez quand même les avantages suivants :

   Un bonus pour tous les points du côté lumineux gagnés
   Vous pourrez éliminer des ennemis du côté obscur qui apparaissent partout dans la galaxie pour gagner des jetons du côté lumineux

Lorsqu'un côté remportera la victoire, le serveur sera en "phase de victoire" pendant un certain moment avant que la bataille soit réinitialisée. Pendant cette "phase de victoire", le côté perdant aura un avantage puisque tous les gains de points d'alignement seront augmentés pour celui-ci ! Que vous jouiez seul ou avec vos amis et membres de votre guilde dans la bataille entre le côté obscur et lumineux, le Commandement galactique vous permettra de choisir votre côté sans cesse et de combattre pour des récompenses et de la gloire.

source : http://www.swtor.com/fr/info/news/blog/20161020

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Ven 28 Oct - 19:07

Présentation du Commandement galactique

Le Commandement galactique est un système de progression inédit proposé dans la nouvelle extension de Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Knights of the Eternal Throne. Les joueurs Premium (abonnés) qui ont atteint le niveau 70 peuvent accéder au Commandement galactique depuis n'importe où ! Grâce à ce système, tout ce qui est dans l'univers se retrouve à portée de main grâce à une interface unique. Chaque bataille que vous livrez, que ce soit dans les zones de guerre, les opérations ou les nouveaux soulèvements riches en action, vous permet d'augmenter votre rang de commandement, de déverrouiller des récompenses de plus en plus puissantes et d'influencer l'équilibre entre les forces du côté obscur et du côté lumineux à l'échelle de la galaxie.

Commandement galactique - La puissance à portée de main
Pour accéder à l'interface du Commandement galactique, il vous suffit d'appuyer par défaut sur CTRL+G ou de cliquer sur l'icône Commandement galactique située en haut de votre écran. Une fois l'interface ouverte, vous verrez que vous pouvez désormais rejoindre la file d'attente des missions journalières/héroïques, des chapitres en mode histoire, des zones litigieuses, des soulèvements, des opérations, des zones de guerre JcJ et du mode Chasseur galactique (batailles spatiales JcJ). Le Commandement galactique vous propose trois niveaux de difficulté pour la plupart des missions de combat : Histoire, Vétéran et Maître. Si la mission que vous avez choisie vous permet de choisir le niveau de difficulté, vous verrez apparaître un bouton vous permettant de définir le niveau de difficulté de votre choix. Les opérations sont la seule exception : l'interface du Commandement galactique vous permet uniquement d'y jouer en difficulté Histoire. Vous pouvez cependant toujours y jouer en difficulté Vétéran et Maître en y accédant normalement.

Le Commandement galactique vous permet d'accéder à toutes vos activités préférées et vous propose chaque jour un nouveau bonus de commandement, une bonne occasion pour découvrir une nouveauté chaque jour ! Lorsqu'une activité propose un bonus de commandement, vous gagnez des points d'expérience de commandement bonus chaque fois que vous jouez. Connectez-vous chaque jour pour voir quelle activité propose un bonus de commandement !

Rang de commandement
Pour atteindre un rang de commandement, il vous suffit de participer à n'importe quelle action du jeu. Chaque fois que vous jouez, vous gagnez des points d'expérience de commandement qui augmentent votre rang de commandement et vous rapportent des récompenses sous la forme de nouvelles caisses de commandement. Les points d'expérience de commandement que vous gagnez dépendent de plusieurs facteurs : la difficulté de l'activité (Histoire, Vétéran, Maître), le nombre de joueurs requis et le temps mis pour terminer l'activité. Ainsi, vous gagnerez beaucoup plus de points d'expérience de commandement en terminant une opération en difficulté Maître qu'en terminant une mission héroïque. L'objectif est d'offrir comme récompense le plus de points d'expérience de commandement pour les opérations en difficulté Maître, les zones de guerre classées et les soulèvements en difficulté Maître.

À la sortie de Knights of the Eternal Throne, vous recevrez une caisse de commandement chaque fois que vous atteindrez un nouveau rang de commandement. C'est en améliorant leur rang de commandement et en gagnant des caisses de commandement que les joueurs ayant des personnages de niveau maximum pourront continuer à améliorer le niveau de leur équipement. De ce fait, vous pouvez désormais équiper votre personnage en jouant pour ainsi dire à n'importe quelle activité du jeu !

Les caisses de commandement contiennent plusieurs objets, parmi lesquels des cadeaux de partenaire, des armes et des armures cosmétiques, des montures, des animaux et l'équipement le plus puissant de la galaxie. Plus votre rang de commandement augmente, plus le niveau de l'équipement que vous recevez est élevé. Ainsi (les chiffres sont uniquement donnés à titre d'exemple), si vous recevez une caisse de commandement au rang de commandement 50, elle contiendra un équipement plus puissant que celui que vous auriez reçu pour le rang de commandement 1.

Batailles entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux
À partir de Knights of the Eternal Throne, les joueurs pourront choisir de se battre pour le côté obscur ou pour le côté lumineux de la Force™. Ainsi, toutes leurs actions (tuer des ennemis d'élite, terminer des missions et faire des choix narratifs) contribueront à la guerre entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux disputée sur chaque serveur.

Ces choix du côté obscur et du côté lumineux influenceront l'équilibre des deux côtés de la Force sur chaque serveur, indiqué par une barre côté obscur contre côté lumineux en bas de l'interface Commandement galactique. Lorsqu'un côté commencera à dominer l'autre, les joueurs en verront les conséquences tout autour d'eux. Ainsi, si le côté obscur gagne en puissance (en atteignant "Obscurité 4" par exemple), les joueurs verront des acolytes Sith commencer à apparaître et attaquer Aldérande et Tatooine ! Ouvrez l'œil car vos efforts modifient la galaxie qui vous entoure.

Pour remporter la guerre entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux, un des côtés doit atteindre "Obscurité 5" ou "Lumière 5". En cas de victoire, plusieurs choses se produiront sur le serveur en fonction de l'alignement de votre personnage. Si votre personnage est aligné avec le côté victorieux (ex. : votre personnage appartient au côté obscur et le côté obscur a remporté la guerre sur votre serveur), vous recevrez :

Des points d'expérience de commandement bonus
L'accès à un marchand d'objets cosmétiques spécial

Si votre personnage est aligné avec le côté vaincu (ex. : votre personnage appartient au côté lumineux et le côté lumineux a perdu la guerre), vous gagnerez :

Un bonus pour tous les points du côté lumineux gagnés

Votre galaxie restera dans un "état victorieux" pendant quelque temps avant que la guerre ne recommence. Cette fois, le côté vaincu aura un avantage pour essayer de refaire pencher la balance de son côté.

Le Commandement galactique vous propose des défis et des récompenses à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à Star Wars: The Old Republic. Que vous jouiez seul à votre mission préférée pour augmenter votre rang de commandement ou que vous vous battiez avec d'autres joueurs ou avec une guilde pour remporter la guerre entre le côté obscur et le côté lumineux, le Commandement galactique vous entraîne dans une guerre sans relâche pour prendre le contrôle de votre galaxie !

sources : http://www.swtor.com/fr/info/news/blog/20161017

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Ven 18 Nov - 13:07

Bioware à écrit une histoire sur Senya et Cailyn (Attention peut être un spoil)


Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Mar 29 Nov - 16:02

Le Patch Notes de la 5.0, dsl je ne l'ai pas trouvé en Français ... :


New Storyline: Knights of the Eternal Throne! Knights of the Eternal Throne continues the Outlander’s epic conflict against the evil Eternal Empire with nine new Chapters.

New Planet: Iokath! A mysterious and unexplored alien world, built around a star to harness its energy.
New Planet: Nathema! The forgotten homeworld of Valkorion, ravaged by a dark ritual and barren of life.

All classes can now reach Level 70!

New System! Dark vs. Light! Players can now toggle whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Players contribute dark and light points to their server’s alignment.

New System: Galactic Command! Adventure throughout the galaxy and earn progress towards the most powerful gear regardless of what content your play!

New Repeatable Group Content: Uprisings! Uprisings are fast-paced, powerup-filled adventures for four players featuring two difficulty modes: Story and Veteran.

New Uprising: Done and Dusted! Confront the infamous Dust Viper gang in a deadly showdown to stop the criminals from auctioning off the Alliance’s greatest secrets.
New Uprising: Firefrost! Strike down the White Maw pirates and their ferocious Houk leader before they forge weapons capable of ravaging the Alliance.
New Uprising: Crimson Fang! Drive the Crimson Fang pirates off Port Nowhere before they unleash the spaceport’s arsenal against the Alliance.
New Uprising: Inferno! Storm a fiery volcano base to wage battle with two vengeful Sith Lords and their army of Imperial defectors.
New Uprising: Fractured! A rogue Imperial faction has hijacked Vanguard Station, and only you can bring them down—and end their attacks against Alliance settlements.

Start at Level 65! Jump right into the action of Knights of the Eternal Throne with the option to begin the game at level 65!

Choose your Advanced Class at character creation! Existing characters that have not yet chosen an Advanced Class will be prompted to do so after logging into the game.

Ranked Warzone Arena Season 8 has started! Get in there and go berserk!
Knights of the Eternal Throne*

*Knights of the Eternal Throne content is only available to players who are eligible for the two Knights of the Eternal Throne subscriber rewards by having been a Premium player from October 25th to November 27th, 2016. All other Premium players will be able to access the content on December 2nd, 2016. Some features require Premium status. For more information about Knights of the Eternal Throne, visit http://www.swtor.com/eternal-throne.

Dark vs. Light
Players can now choose whether they are fighting for the Dark or Light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server.

These Dark and Light side choices will influence the balance of the two sides of the Force on each server, reflected on the Dark vs. Light side meter shown at the bottom of the Galactic Command interface. As one side begins to dominate, players will begin to see the impact all around them, including new World Bosses that will require a concentrated effort from a large group of players to defeat.

To be declared the winner of the Dark vs. Light side war, one side must reach “Dark 5” or “Light 5”. Upon winning, a few things will happen on the server based on your character’s alignment. If your character is aligned with the winning side (e.g., your character is Dark side, and the Dark side won the war on your server), you will reap the following benefits:

Bonus Command Experience points earned
Access to a special cosmetic item vendor

If your character’s alignment matches the losing side (e.g., your character is Light side, and the Light side lost the war), they will receive the following benefits:

A bonus to all light side points earned

Your galaxy will remain in a “victory state” for a period of time before the war resets. However, this time, the losing side will have an advantage to try to swing the balance back in their favor.

During the “Victory State”, that side’s influence can be seen and felt throughout the galaxy. Powerful bosses loyal the victor’s side will appear on Tattooine, Alderaan, Hoth, and Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. On each of those worlds, there are 8-10 possible places the bosses may appear, and a 25% chance in each spawn area that the boss will stay and face battle. If the losing side can defeat these bosses they will earn bonus Command Experience as well as a chance to earn Dark or Light Tokens. For example, if the light side wins, light side bosses will randomly appear on some worlds. If dark-aligned players defeat these enemies, they have a chance to earn Dark Tokens. These tokens can be used at the special cosmetic item vendor mentioned above.
During this period, the winning side earns bonus Command Experience Points, as well as their Light or Dark Tokens when they earn Command Crates.

Galactic Command
Galactic Command is both an access point and progression system for content in the game. Access the Galactic Command Interface via the in-game menu, or Ctrl + G by default. Every day a new activity will be highlighted on the interface. These highlighted activities provide a Command Bonus. When an activity has a Command Bonus, you earn bonus Command Experience points each time you play.

Earning Command Rank is achieved by playing almost any activity in the game. Every time you play, you earn Command Experience points which increases your Command Rank, earning you rewards in the form of new Command Crates. The Command Experience Points (CXP) you earn are based on a few factors: the difficulty of the activity (Story, Veteran, Master), how many players are required, and how long it takes to complete. For example, you will earn substantially more CXP for completing a Master Difficulty Operation than you will for completing a Heroic Mission.

Completing a Command Rank bar earns the character a Galactic Command Level and a Command Crate. Each Command Crate will have several items including:

A random un-modded outfit piece or weapon
A random gear piece fully modded with a chance of having a set bonus
A random chance to get a crew skill schematic
A chance of getting Jawa Scraps, Rank 5 or 6 Companion gifts, or a reputation item

Replayable Chapters
Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters can now be replayed. Once you complete any chapter in any mode, you can launch those chapters again via the Chapter Launcher (Shift+E by default). Select the Chapter you would like to play from the selections on the left. Only chapters you are eligible to start will be highlighted. Then once selected click the Grant Mission button and then the Launch button.

The choices you made in your first play through of each chapter remain as your permanent choices going forward and are not overwritten by repeat playthroughs. Repeat playthroughs will always reference those permanent choices even when played out of order.

Chapter Difficulties
Players now have the option to play chapters in different difficulties. The currently supported modes are Story and Veteran.

Story mode is the default setting and is aimed for players that want exciting combat and storytelling but are not looking for a challenging gameplay experience.
Veteran mode is for those players that want exciting combat, storytelling, and are looking for a more challenging gameplay experience.
Players can set their default preference from their preferences menu and from the drop down on the chapter launcher window (Shift+E by default).


All references to old difficulty names have been updated to be consistent. The new names are: Story, Veteran, and Master modes. Players will see this terminology in all content types: Chapters, Uprisings, Flashpoints, and Operations.
The following currencies have been removed from the game. These currencies no longer drop, and it is no longer possible to acquire them. In addition, these currencies that are in a character possession will be removed, and exchanged for credits at the below rates. Characters will accumulate these credits up to a cap of 2,000,000 credits.
Common Data Crystals 1:500
Glowing Data Crystals 1:1000
Radiant Data Crystals 1:1500
Warzone Commendations 1:50
Season 6 Commendations 1:50
All four Origin planets have been re-itemized to support Advanced Characters starting at Level 1.
Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.
Character animation is smoother and more performance allowing for more visible characters. Combat and large population scenes run significantly faster.
The visibility system has been optimized increasing the framerate and making the use of cascaded shadows less expensive.
The available Character Slots have been updated:
52 slots for Premium Players
26 slots for Preferred Players
22 slots for Free to Play Players
Fixed an issue that occasionally caused shadows to have hard edges.
Fixed an issue where Defense Turrets in the Black Hole area would attack players outside of the intended range.
Fixed an issue that caused the Guild Set Rank Name, Set Rank Description, Message of the Day, and Guild Description windows to become unusable if they were closed with the “X” button.
Data Crystal Vendors have been removed from the game, with the exception of Mod Vendors, which now sell Modifications for Credits.
The Gear Vendors in the Supplies section of both the Imperial and Republic Fleets have been replaced with Dark and Light vendors, featuring new rewards for the Dark Vs Light System.
The Gear Vendors in the Combat Training section of both the Imperial and Republic Fleets have been replaced with a new access point for Uprisings, Heroics, and Ranked PvP Vendors.
The Heroic Terminals on both fleets have moved to the Combat Training section of the fleets.
Increased the amount of Dark and Light points required to reach different Dark Side/Light Side ranks. All characters have had their location on the alignment bar updated.

Cartel Market

Start a New Character at Level 65! Outlander Character Tokens are available for purchase in the Cartel Market. These tokens allow you to create either a level 60 or level 65 character. Existing Level 60 Character Tokens will become Outlander Character Tokens.
Armor from the Scavenger Pack now properly displays its Armor Icon when revealed in the Pack Explorer.

Classes + Combat


Players now choose their Advanced Class at Character Creation, beginning their SWTOR adventures as an Advanced Class from Level 1. Ability grants for the Level 1-10 experience have been adjusted to familiarize players with fantasy-defining abilities early.
Utilities are now divided into four Tiers (Skillful, Masterful, Heroic, and Legendary). Eight Utility points are granted along the path to level 70.
Players may need to visit their trainer to learn new and/or updated abilities.

Sith Warrior

Shii-Cho Form is now a passive ability
Ravage (Redesigned to activate instantly): Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deal weapon damage. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding.


Soresu Form is now an Immortal exclusive passive ability.
Retaliation (Redesign): Retaliates against the target, dealing weapon damage. Cannot be parried, dodged, or miss. Retaliation can only be used after successfully defending against a melee or ranged attack or after one of your melee attacks is parried, dodged, or misses.
Guard no longer requires Soresu Form.


Soresu Form is now a passive ability, replacing Shii-Cho Form.
Shield Specialization has been renamed Conquering Defense and redesigned. Conquering Defense: Increases shield chance by 4% and reduces the cooldown of Saber Ward by 30 seconds. In addition, targets affected by Intimidating Roar deal 15% less melee and ranged damage for 10 seconds after the paralyzing effect ends. Targets immune to the paralyzing effect will immediately suffer from this damage reducing effect.


Shien Form is now a passive ability, replacing Shii-Cho Form.
New Active Ability: Hew. Hurl the main-hand lightsaber at a target, dealing weapon damage and slowing its movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds. Only usable on targets at or below 30% max health. Replaces Vicious Throw.


New Passive Ability: Fuming Rage. Force Crush grants Fuming Rage, making your next Obliterate or Furious Strike consume no rage.


Overwhelm (Update): Ravage immobilizes the target for 3 seconds.
Deadly Reprisal (Update): Taking non-periodic area of effect damage generates 2 rage (up from 1 rage). This effect cannot occur more than once per second.
Through Power (Update): Enraged Defense (was Endure Pain) increases your movement speed by 50% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects while active.
Consuming Rage (Update): Endure Pain (was Enraged Defense) removes all cleansable effects when activated.
Emboldening Scream has been removed.
Oppressor has been removed.
Through Victory (Redesign): Mad Dash can be used while immobilized, purges movement-impairing effects when activated, and deals 50% more damage. Additionally, the cooldown of Mad Dash is reduced by 10 seconds.
Thrown Gauntlet has been combined with effects of Intercessor.
Intercessor has been removed.
New Utility: Piercing Chill. Chilling Scream pierces enemies with an aching chill, dealing elemental damage to all affected targets over 8 seconds. Additionally, Chilling Scream grants Chilling Speed, increasing your movement speed by 35% for 8 seconds.
New Utility: Extending Roar. Increases the range of Force Scream to 30 meters, but Force Scream deals reduced damage beyond 10 meters. Additionally, Force Push deals 20% more damage and grants Extending Roar, allowing your next Force Scream to deal full damage regardless of the distance from the target.
New Utility: Reckoning. Intercede grants Reckoning, increasing the damage dealt by your next melee ability by 20%. This effect lasts for 10 seconds.


Juyo Form is now an Annihilation exclusive passive ability.
Berserk (Redesign): Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to go Berserk, instantly generating 4 rage, plus 8 additional rage over the next few seconds.
Disable Droid has been removed.


Juyo Form is now a passive ability, replacing Shii-Cho Form.
Juyo Mastery modifies the effects of Berserk. Berserk: Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to go Berserk, increasing the critical chance of your bleed attacks by 100% and causing the bleed damage you deal to heal your group for 1% of max health. Lasts for 6 charges.


Gore has been renamed Ferocity.
New Active Ability: Gore. Impales the target with both lightsabers, dealing weapon damage and hindering the target for 1.5 seconds, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes. Requires two lightsabers.
Ataru Mastery modifies the effects of Berserk. Berserk: Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to go Berserk, granting 30% alacrity. Lasts for 6 charges, with each attack consuming 1 charge.
New Passive Ability: Disembowel. Gore sunders the target for 45 seconds. Sundered targets have their armor rating reduced by 20%.
Sundering effects have been removed from Execute.
Bloody Slashes has been moved to Fury.


New Passive Ability: Bloody Slashes. Damage dealt by Ravage stacks a bleeding effect on the target that builds up to 3 charges which deal internal damage over 9 seconds.


Overwhelm (Update): Ravage immobilizes the target for 3 seconds.
Subjugation has been combined with effects of Displacement.
Displacement has been removed.
Defensive Roll (Update): Reduces damage taken from area effects by 30% and increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 3% (down from 5%).
Maiming Reach has been combined with effects of Inescapable.
Inescapable has been removed.
Through Victory (Redesign): Mad Dash can be used while immobilized, purges movement-impairing effects when activated, and deals 50% more damage. Additionally, the cooldown of Mad Dash is reduced by 10 seconds.
Blood Ward has been combined with effects of Unflinching Determination.
Unflinching Determination has been removed.
Thirst for Rage (Redesign): Bloodthirst generates 12 rage when activated, and you heal for 1% of your maximum health whenever you activate an ability that consumes rage.
New Utility: Ruthless Aggressor. Vicious Throw refunds 2 rage when used on a target affected by your Obfuscate and can be used on any target affected by your Obfuscate, regardless of remaining health. Additionally, activating Obfuscate grants you Ruthless Aggressor, increasing your Force and tech resistance by 75% for 6 seconds.
New Utility: Hidden Savagery. While Force Camouflage is active, you gain a charge of Hidden Savagery every 0.5 seconds. Each charge of Hidden Savagery increases the damage dealt by your next melee attack by 4%. Stacks up to 12 charges and lasts for up to 6 seconds after exiting Force Camouflage.
New Utility: Interloper. Force Charge grants Interloper, allowing you to activate Force Charge a second time. Interloper lasts up to 7.5 seconds and is removed if Force Charge is reused. If Interloper is not utilized by the end of its duration, Force Charge is placed on a 7.5 second cooldown. Additionally, Force Charge now builds 2 Fury.

Sith Inquisitor

Thrash is now Assassin exclusive.
Force Lightning is now Sorcerer exclusive with a 30-meter range.
Crushing Darkness is now Sorcerer exclusive with a 30-meter range.
Phase Walk is now Sorcerer exclusive.


Transmission (Update): Increases the range of Shock, Jolt, Death Field, and Force Slow by 20 meters. Also, increases the duration of Whirlwind to 60 seconds.


Efficacious Currents (Redesign): Reduces the Force consumed by Static Barrier by 15 and reduces the duration of Deionized by 5 seconds. Additionally, increases the amount of damage absorbed by your Static Barrier by 10%.
New Passive Ability: Sustaining Darkness. Static Barrier grants 10 charges of Sustaining Darkness to the target. When Static Barrier concludes, the target is healed for additional health per remaining charge of Sustaining Darkness. Targets of your Sustaining Darkness will lose a charge of Sustaining Darkness each time you directly heal them.


New Passive Ability: Convulsing Currents. Shock deals 20% more damage to targets affected by your Crushing Darkness.


New Passive Ability: Dark Echo. Targets hit by Death Field have a 50% chance to emit a Dark Echo, damaging itself and up to 7 targets within 5 meters for internal damage.


Chain Shock has been removed.
Empty Body (Update): Increases all healing received by 5% (Down from 10%). Does not affect stolen life.
Dizzying Force received Whirlwind effects of Oppressing Force. Dizzying Force: Reduces target’s accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds after Whirlwind ends. Additionally, your Whirlwind affects up to 2 additional standard or weak enemies within 8 meters of the target.
Lightning Barrier (Redesign): Your Static Barrier crackles with electricity, shocking attackers for energy damage when it absorbs direct damage to you. This effect does not affect Static Barriers placed on allies and cannot occur more than once each second.
Oppressing Force has been renamed Torturous Tactics and combined with effects of Sap Strength. Torturous Tactics: Lowers the cooldown of Electrocute by 10 seconds. In addition, targets stunned by your Electrocute deal 25% less damage for 10 seconds when Electrocute wears off.
Sap Strength has been removed.
Shapeless Spirit (Redesign): Reduces all damage taken while stunned by 30%. Additionally, reduces damage taken from area effects by 30%
Surging Speed has been combined with effects of Force Haste and improved. Surging Speed (Update): Reduces the cooldowns of Force Speed by 5 seconds, Force Slow by 3 seconds, and Force Barrier by 30 seconds. In addition, Force Speed lasts 0.5 seconds longer, Polarity Shift increases your movement speed by 100% (up from 50%) while active, and the active cooldown of Force Speed is finished when Force Barrier ends.
Force Haste has been removed.
Shifting Silhouette (Redesign): Using Phase Walk to return to its marked location grants Shifting Silhouette, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 10 seconds. Additionally, the cooldown of Phase Walk is reduced by 15 seconds and all defenses are increased by 30% for the duration of Shifting Silhouette.
New Utility: Galvanizing Cleanse. Expunge grants Galvanizing Cleanse, making your next ability with an activation time activate instantly. The effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds and lasts for up to 15 seconds.
New Utility: Unnatural Vigor. Unnatural Preservation increases your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds. Additionally, reduces the cooldown of Unnatural Preservation by 5 seconds.
New Utility: Enfeebling Strike. Strike the target with your lightsaber, dealing weapon damage and immobilizing it for 3 seconds. When the immobilization effect ends, the target is slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. Replaces Saber Strike.


Lightning Charge is now a passive ability.
Discharge (Redesign): Blast the target with raw lightning, dealing energy damage over 18 seconds.
Entering stealth now additionally increases your stealth level by 15.
Blackout has been removed.
Dark Charge is now a Darkness exclusive passive ability.
Guard no longer requires Dark Charge.


Dark Charge is now a passive ability.
Torment modifies the effects of Discharge. Discharge: Strike up to 8 nearby enemies with dark energy, dealing internal damage and generating a high amount of threat.
Mounting Darkness (Redesign): Deflection grants Mounting Darkness, causing all enemies within 8 meters to deal 15% less Force and tech damage. This effect lasts for the duration of Deflection. Additionally, damage dealt by Discharge and Wither is increased by 30%.


Surging Charge is now a passive ability.
Surging Charge modifies the effects of Discharge. Discharge: Unleash your Static Charge, dealing internal damage. This damage scales up with each stack of Static Charge.
New Active Ability: Reaping Strike. Lash the target with an acrobatic strike, dealing weapon damage. Only usable from stealth or within 15 seconds of performing a critical strike.
Induction (Update): Thrash, Lacerate, Voltaic Slash, Reaping Strike, Maul, and Assassinate grant Induction, reducing the Force cost of your next Shock or Ball Lightning by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times.
Dark Embrace (Update): While in stealth mode and for 15 seconds (up from 6 seconds) after leaving stealth mode, Force regeneration is increased by 25% (down from 50%).
Darkswell (Redesign): Maul grants 15 seconds of Dark Embrace. While Dark Embrace is active, all damage taken is reduced by 15%.


Demolish has been renamed Eradicate and redesigned. Eradicate: Crushes the target with devastating force, dealing kinetic damage initially, plus an additional kinetic damage over 6 seconds. The target also becomes Vulnerable for 45 seconds, increasing the damage taken from Force attacks by 5%. Replaces Shock.
Raze (Redesign): Melee attacks that strike a target affected by your Discharge grant Raze, finishing the cooldown on Eradicate and making your next Eradicate consume no Force. Additionally, activating Phantom Stride grants Raze, but Raze cannot occur more than once every 9 seconds.
Dreadful Nightmares (Update): Increases the damage dealt by Eradicate by 20%.
Inevitable Demise (Update): Death Field, Eradicate, and your periodic damage abilities deal 15% more damage on targets under 30% health.
New Passive Ability: Leeching Hunger. The damage dealt by Leeching Strike is increased by 5% for each of your active periodic damaging effects on the target. Stacks up to 3 times.


Oppressing Force has been combined with effects of Static Cling and updated. Oppressing Force: Lowers the cooldown of Electrocute by 15 seconds and increases the duration of Force Slow and reduces its cooldown by 6 seconds. In addition, your Whirlwind affects up to 2 additional standard or weak enemies within 8 meters of the target.
Static Cling has been removed. Assassins can now wear wool without concern.
Fade (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Force Cloak by 45 seconds and extends its duration by 5 seconds.
Obfuscation (Update): Increases your movement speed by 15% and your effective stealth level by 10 (up from 5).
Speed Surge (Updatesss): Activating Shock, Ball Lightning, or Eradicate increases your movement speed by 50% for 9 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 18 seconds.
Magnetism has been combined with effects of Gait Manipulation.
Gait Manipulation has been removed.
Insulation has been combined with effects of Sapped Mind and redesigned. Insulation: Increases your armor rating by 30% with Lightning Charge or Surging Charge, and Depredating Volts increases movement speed by 35% for 6 seconds with Dark Charge. Additionally, when damage breaks your Mind Trap prematurely, the target will suffer from Sapped Mind, reducing the damage they deal by 25% for 10 seconds.
Sapped Mind has been removed.
Disjunction (Redesign): Increases the durations of Force Shroud by 2 seconds and Force Speed by 0.5 seconds. Additionally, Force Speed slows all enemies within 5 meters by 75% for 2.5 seconds when activated.
Hand of Darkness (Redesign): Force Pull immobilizes its target for 3 seconds, Leeching Strike immobilizes its target for 2 seconds, and Low Slash immobilizes its target for 1 second after the incapacitating effect wears off. In addition, successful use of Mind Trap grants Hand of Darkness, increasing the critical chance of your next direct attack by 100%. This effect lasts for 20 seconds.
Phasing Phantasm (Redesign): Phantom Stride can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used. Additionally, Force Speed grants Phasing Phantasm, causing you to absorb 60% of all incoming damage for the duration of Force Speed.
New Utility: Reaper’s Rush. Phantom Stride grants Reaper’s Rush, allowing your next Assassinate to be used on any target, regardless of remaining health. Reaper’s Rush lasts for 10 seconds. Additionally, if the target of your Phantom Stride is killed within 10 seconds of using Phantom Stride, Phantom Stride’s cooldown is reset.
New Utility: Renewing Darkness. When entering stealth with Force Cloak you generate a stack of Renewing Darkness and heal 4% of your maximum health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Stacks last for 6 seconds. When stealth is broken, each stack of Renewing Darkness heals you for 4% of your health.
New Utility: Retaliatory Grip. Deflection grants Retaliatory Grip, reflecting 50% (or 100% for the Darkness discipline) of all direct single target tech and Force damage back at the attacker. Retaliatory Grip lasts for 12 seconds and does not absorb incoming damage.


Take Cover is now Sniper exclusive.
Snipe is now Sniper exclusive.
Shiv is now Operative exclusive.
Overload Shot is now Operative exclusive.
Debilitate is now Operative exclusive.
Slice Droid has been removed.


Entering stealth now additionally increases your stealth level by 15.
Sneak has been removed.
New Active Ability: Noxious Knives. Hurl envenomed knives in a 10-meter cone in front of you, damaging up to 8 targets for kinetic and internal poison damage.
Carbine Burst has been removed.
New Active Ability: Toxic Haze. Executes your Tactical Advantage to drop a canister that fills the vicinity with poisonous gas, dealing internal damage to up to 8 enemy targets within 8 meters over 6 seconds. The haze stuns standard and weak enemies for 6 seconds. Requires and consumes a Tactical Advantage.


Toxic Haze gets a 30-meter range boost.
New Passive Ability: Curative Jolt. Kolto Infusion grants Curative Jolt, increasing the critical chance of your next Surgical Probe by 100%. This effect can only occur once every 18 seconds.


Imperial Ammunition has been renamed Deadly Toxins and updated. Deadly Toxins: Increases the critical chance of Noxious Knives by 15% and its critical damage bonus by 30%.
Ghost (Redesign): Activating Countermeasures increases movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
New Passive Ability: Revealing Weakness. Damage dealt by Volatile Substance marks the target with Revealing Weakness, allowing your next Backstab against the target to be useable while face-to-face with the target and treated as though you attacked from stealth.


Lethal Proliferation (Update): Noxious Knives spreads your Corrosive Dart to the targets it damages, as long as it damages at least one target already affected by your Corrosive Dart.
Cut Down (Redesign): Increases the damage dealt by Lethal Strike, Overload Shot, and Noxious Knives by 5%.
New Passive Ability: Augmented Toxins. Lethal Strike grants Augmented Toxins, increasing the critical chance and critical multiplier of your damaging and healing periodic effects by 30% for 6 seconds.


Imperial Weaponry (Update): Noxious Knives deals 25% more damage.
Curbing Shots has been renamed Curbing Strategies and combined with effects of Flash Powder. Curbing Strategies (Update): Overload Shot and Noxious Knives reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds. In addition, when Flash Bang ends it leaves behind Flash Powder that reduces the target’s accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds.
Flash Powder has been removed.
Precision Instruments has been combined with effects of Pin Down.
Pin Down has been removed.
Advanced Cloaking (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Cloaking Screen by 30 seconds and activating Cloaking Screen increases movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Counterstrike has been renamed Cunning Competencies and combined with effects of Sedatives.
Sedatives has been removed.
Jarring Strike (Redesign): When used from stealth, Backstab and Lethal Strike interrupt and knock down the target for 3 seconds. Player targets are immobilized for 3 seconds, rather than being knocked down.
Circumvention (Redesign): Reduces the cooldown of Holotraverse by 10 seconds and allows it to be used while immobilized. When activated it purges movement-impairing effects and grants a Tactical Advantage.
New Utility: Mobile Strategies. Exfiltrate grants a charge of Mobile Strategies, reducing the energy cost of your next Overload Shot by 100%, increasing its maximum range by 20 meters, and making it knock the target back. Each use of Overload Shot consumes a charge of Mobile Strategies and grants 10 energy.
New Utility: Curative Agent. Countermeasures grants Curative Agent, causing your next Kolto Probe to immediately grant two stacks. Additionally, Countermeasures heals you for 1% of your maximum health every second for 10 seconds and Kolto Infusion delivers its heal instantly, no longer healing the target over time.
New Utility: Blow for Blow. Activating Evasion grants Blow for Blow, returning 150% of direct single target tech and Force damage taken back to the attacker while Evasion is active.


New Active Ability: Maim. Hurl a vibroknife with debilitating precision, dealing energy damage and stunning the target for 4 seconds.


New Passive Ability: Finish the Job. Dealing damage with Ambush to a target with less than 30% health grants Finish the Job, increasing the damage of your next Takedown by 20%.


New Passive Ability: Electrified Conduit. When EMP Discharge damages a target, Electrified Conduit deals additional energy damage per stack of Electrified Railgun on the target. Additionally, EMP Discharge harms up to 7 other enemy targets within 5 meters if the primary target is affected by your Electrified Railgun.


Hew has been renamed Decay.
New Passive Ability: Toxic Surge. Weakening Blast applies Toxic Surge to the target, which causes internal damage the next time the target takes damage from your Corrosive Grenade.


Vital Regulators (Update): While in cover, you heal for 2% (up from 1%) of your total health every 3 seconds.
Calculated Pursuit has been redesigned. Calculated Pursuit: You gain 4 charges of Calculated Pursuit upon exiting cover, which allow Snipe and Lethal Shot to be activated while moving. Each use of Snipe or Lethal Shot consumes 1 charge, and consumption of the first charge triggers a 20 second rate-limit on this skill. This effect lasts up to 15 seconds, but reentering cover removes the effect prematurely.
The effects of Cover Screen have been combined with Hold Your Ground: Reduces the cooldowns of Shield Probe and Cover Pulse by 5 seconds, and Escape by 30 seconds. In addition, when you exit cover you gain a Cover Screen that increases your ranged defense by 20% for 6 seconds.
Cover Screen has been removed.
Stroke of Genius has been combined with effects of Pulse Screen.
Pulse Screen has been removed.
Evacuate (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Maim and Flash Bang by 15 seconds.
Reestablish Range has been redesigned and combined with effects from Counterstrike. Reestablish Range: Countermeasures purges all movement-impairing effects when activated and grants Reestablish Range, increasing your movement speed by 75% for 6 seconds. Additionally, the final shot of Series of Shots and Penetrating Blasts knocks back the target if they are within 10 meters.
Counterstrike has been removed.
Lumbering Impact has been combined with effects of Flash Powder.
Flash Powder has been removed.
Hold your Ground has been redesigned. Hold your Ground: Reduces the cooldowns of Shield Probe and Cover Pulse by 5 seconds, and Escape by 30 seconds. In addition, when you exit cover you gain a Cover Screen that increases your ranged defense by 20% for 6 seconds.
Over-prepared (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Imperial Preparation by 45 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 15% for 15 seconds after activating Imperial Preparation.
New Utility: Controlled Chaos. For every target initially affected beyond the first, Diversion grants a charge of Controlled Chaos, increasing armor penetration by 10% per charge. This effect lasts 8 seconds.
New Utility: Defensive Safeguards. When Ballistic Shield is activated you gain a charge of Defensive Safeguards for each enemy inside your Ballistic Shield, up to 4. This effect lasts 20 seconds and each charge increases your damage reduction by 5%. In addition, while inside your Ballistic Shield, you heal for 3% of your maximum health every second and you are immune to being pulled or knocked back.
New Utility: Tactical Retreat. Covered Escape heals you for 10% of your maximum health. Additionally, the duration of Evasion is increased by 2 seconds.
New Utility: Executioner. Flash Bang and Maim grant Executioner, allowing your next Takedown within 10 seconds to be used regardless of the target’s remaining health and deal 15% additional damage.

Bounty Hunter

Missile Blast is now Mercenary exclusive.
Rocket Punch is now Powertech exclusive.
Flame Thrower has been renamed Searing Wave, redesigned, and is now Powertech exclusive.
Combustible Gas Cylinder is now a passive ability.
Explosive Dart is now Mercenary exclusive.
Death from Above is now Mercenary exclusive. Powertechs receive Deadly Onslaught, an exclusive redesign of Death from Above.


Supercharged Gas (Redesign): Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to vent 10 heat, increase periodic damage dealt by 10% for 8 seconds, and cause the next successful ranged attack on a target affected by your Incendiary Missile’s burn to apply Supercharged Burn to the target, which deals elemental damage over 4 seconds.
New Active Ability: Responsive Safeguards. Activates an advanced response system that absorbs all incoming direct single target damage for the next 6 seconds, reflecting 50% of the absorbed damage back at the attacker and healing you for 5% of your maximum health each time an attack is absorbed. Can be used while stunned.


Combat Support Cylinder is now a passive ability, replacing Combustible Gas Cylinder.
Powered Insulators (Redesign): Increases damage reduction by 5% and tech critical chance by 3%.
Warden (Redesign): Rapid Scan generates an extra stack of Supercharge when activated and increases the critical healing bonus of all heals by 15%.
Warden modifies the effects of Supercharged Gas. Supercharged Gas: Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to vent 10 heat and increase healing done by 5% for 8 seconds. While active, Healing Scan has no cooldown and generates 5 less heat.
Empowered Scans (Update): Increases the healing done by Emergency Scan and Rapid Scan by 10%. In addition, Progressive Scan channels 20% faster.


High Velocity Gas Cylinder is now a passive ability, replacing Combustible Gas Cylinder.
Pinning Fire modifies the effects of Supercharged Gas. Supercharged Gas: Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to vent 10 heat and increase armor penetration by 10% for 8 seconds. While active, damage dealt by Tracer Missile, Heatseeker Missiles, Blazing Bolts, and Priming Shot grants Supercharged Velocity, which increases alacrity by 1%. This effect cannot occur more than once per second and can stack up to 3 times.

Innovative Ordnance

New Passive Ability: Early Ignition. Mag Shot and Power Shot cause targets with a primed Thermal Detonator to combust early, dealing additional elemental damage over 6 seconds.


Jet Escape has been combined with effects of Kolto Jets.
Kolto Jets has been removed.
Afterburners (Update): Missile Blast immobilizes the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. In addition, Jet Boost’s knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 4 meters further away.
Gyroscopic Alignment Jets (Redesign): You vent 20 heat (up from 10 heat) when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, your next Tech ability deals 10% extra damage or healing.
Adhesive Supplements (Update): Power Shot and Tracer Missile reduce the movement speed of targets they damage by 40% for 9 seconds (up from 6 seconds). In addition, the slowing effect applied by Kolto Residue lasts an additional 3 seconds.
Infrared Sensors has been renamed Threat Sensors and combined with effects of Suit FOE.
Suit FOE has been removed.
Jet Rebounder has been combined with effects of Kolto Jets.
Kolto Jets has been removed.
Power Shield has been combined with effects of Protective Field.
Protective Field has been removed.
Smoke Screen (Redesign): Rocket Out generates a Smoke Screen when used, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushbacks for the next 4 seconds. In addition, taking melee or Tech damage within 4 seconds of previously using Rocket Out, refreshes its cooldown. These effects cannot occur more than once every 40 seconds.
Supercharged Defense has been combined with effects of Custom Enviro Suit.
Custom Enviro Suit has been removed.
New Utility: Kolto Surge. Kolto Overload heals you twice as fast and heals you up to 70% of your maximum health. Additionally, the duration of Kolto Overload is increased by 2 seconds.
New Utility: Tag and Bag. Hindering a target with Electro Net grants Tag and Bag, increasing your alacrity by 15% for 9 seconds. Additionally, Supercharged Gas reduces the cooldown of Kolto Overload by 5 seconds.
New Utility: Trauma Regulators. While Energy Shield is active, you generate a stack of Trauma Regulators each time you receive direct damage. Stacks up to 15 times. When Energy Shield expires, each stack of Trauma Regulators instantly heals you for 5% of your maximum health.
New Utility: Battlefield Protocols. Stealth Scan grants Battlefield Protocols, increasing the damage or healing dealt by your next non-channeled direct damage or healing ability by 20%. For each target revealed from stealth, you generate an additional charge of Battlefield Protocols. This effect stacks up to 5 charges and lasts for 10 seconds.


New Active Ability: Searing Wave, a redesign of Flame Thrower. Searing Wave: Torches everything in a 10-meter cone with a flamethrower, dealing elemental damage to up to 8 targets.
New Active Ability: Shatter Slug. Fire a high impact slug that instantly explodes on contact with the target, spraying the area with shrapnel shards that deal kinetic damage to up to 8 enemies within 8 meters of the initial target.
New Active Ability: Deadly Onslaught, a Powertech exclusive redesign of Death from Above. Deadly Onslaught: Unloads all of your ordnances in rapid succession, dealing kinetic and elemental damage over the duration to up to 8 enemies. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blasts. Can be used while moving.
Guard no longer requires Ion Gas Cylinder.

Shield Tech

Ion Gas Cylinder is now a passive ability, replacing Combustible Gas Cylinder.
Oil Slick (Update): Sprays an oil slick over the immediate area for 10 seconds (down from 15 seconds). Enemies that enter and remain within the oil slick become unbalanced, slowed by 70% and suffering a 15% (down from 30%) melee and ranged accuracy loss.
Flame Engine (Update): Direct damage attacks have a 50% chance to trigger Flame Engine, which finishes the cooldown on Searing Wave or Firestorm and causes your next Searing Wave or Firestorm to generate no heat and deal 100% more damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.
Firestorm (Redesign): Incinerates everything in a 10-meter cone, dealing elemental damage to up to 8 enemy targets. Affected targets are impaired for 45 seconds, reducing the Force and tech damage they deal by 5%. Can be used while moving.


Heated Tools (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Searing Wave by 3 seconds and causes Flaming Fist to root its target for 2 seconds.
Superheated Flame Thrower (Update): Flame Burst, Flame Sweep, and Immolate grant Superheated Flamethrower, increasing the damage your next Searing Wave deals by 20% causing it to slow affected targets by 45%. This effect can stack up to 2 times.
Rain of Fire (Update): Searing Wave spreads your periodic Incendiary Missile effect to the targets it damages, as long as it damages targets already affected by your Incendiary Missile.
Firebug (Update): Increases the critical bonus damage of Searing Wave, Flaming Fist, Scorch, and Immolate by 10%.
Flame Barrage (Update): Immolate makes your next Flame Burst or Flame Sweep generate no heat. Additionally, Searing Wave will now overwhelm the targets it damages. Overwhelmed targets take 10% more damage from area attacks.
New Passive Ability: Consuming Flames. Searing Wave causes the next Immolate to deal 20% more damage.

Advanced Prototype

High Energy Gas Cylinder is now a passive ability, replacing Combustible Gas Cylinder.
Prototype Missile Silos (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Deadly Onslaught by 15 seconds and increases the damage it deals by 10%. In addition, Shatter Slug deals 50% more damage, its cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds, and damage dealt by it will refresh the duration of your Retractable Blade’s bleed on the affected target, if present.
Prototype Particle Accelerator (Update): Rocket Punch, Magnetic Blast, Shatter Slug, and Flame Sweep finish the cooldown on Rail Shot and make the next Rail Shot generate no heat. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.


Gyroscopic Alignment Jets (Redesign): You vent 20 heat (up from 10 heat) when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, your next Tech ability deals 10% extra damage or healing.
The damage dealt by Reflective Armor has been reduced.
Suppressive Tools has been combined with the effects of Neural Delay. Suppressive Tools (Update): Magnetic Blast, Flame Burst, and Flame Sweep reduce the movement speed of affected targets by 25% (down from 30%) for 3 seconds. Additionally, Neural Darts slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds.
Accelerated Reel (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Grapple by 10 seconds (down from 15 seconds).
Prototype Electro Surge (Update): Reduces the cooldown of Electro Dart by 15 seconds (up from 10 seconds).
Efficient Suit has been combined with effects of Automated Suit.
Automated Suit has been removed.
Enhanced Paralytics (Update): Increases the stun durations of Electro Dart by 1 second and Carbonize by .5 seconds.
No Escape has been renamed Adaptable Assailant and combined with effects of Explored Area.
Explored Area has been removed.
Shield Cannon (Update): Damaging a target with your Shoulder Cannon missiles heals you for 3% (down from 5%) of your total health.
New Utility: Mutilating Shards. Shatter Slug reduces the movement speed of all affected targets by 75% for 15 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
New Utility: Battering Ram. Using Jet Charge grants Battering Ram, resetting the cooldown of Jet Charge and increasing movement speed by 30% for 6 seconds. While Battering Ram is active, Jet Charge may be used once within 10 meters of the target and deals 50% additional damage but does not cause an additional interrupt, immobilize or charge. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.
New Utility: Reel and Rattle. Grapple deals tech damage to pulled targets and grants Reel and Rattle, causing your next Rocket Punch or Flaming Fist against the pulled target to deal 20% additional kinetic damage and stun the target for 1.5 seconds. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.
New Utility: Pressure Overrides. Explosive Fuel grants Pressure Overrides, allowing Flame Burst, Magnetic Blast, Searing Wave, Firestorm, Shatter Slug, Deadly Onslaught, Heat Blast, Energy Burst, Immolate, and Scorch to be used at 30m for 15 seconds.

Crew Skills

All Crew Skills have had their skill cap increased to 600. All Crew Skills now have new 550-600 skill schematics on their respective trainers, and new Missions for 550-600.
New Grade 10 Materials are now available for all Skills.
New Grade 10 Schematics are now available for all Skills.
New Grade 10 Missions are now available for all Skills.
New harvesting nodes are now available for all Skills. These can be found in the Zakuulan Swamp and Zakuul cities alongside the Grade 9 harvesting nodes.


New Grade 10 Armor Assembly Component.
New Rating 220 & 228 Armor.
New MK-10 Augment Kit.
Rating 220 & 228 Endurance Armorings.


New Grade 10 Synth Bonded Attachment.
New Rating 220 & 228 Armor.
New MK-10 Augment Kit.
Rating 220 & 228 Mastery Armorings.


New Grade 10 Arms Assembly
New Rating 220 & 228 Weapons & Offhands.
New MK-10 Augment Kit.
Rating 220 & 228 Barrels.


New Grade 10 Artifice Bonded Attachment
New Rating 220 & 228 Weapons
New Rating 220 & 228 Off-hands
Rating 220 & 228 Hilts
New Rating 220 & 228 Relics
New Dye Modules
New Color Crystals


New Grade 10 Cyber Assembly Component.
New Rating 220 & 228 Earpieces.
Rating 220 & 228 Mods & Enhancements.


New Grade 10 Cell Graft.
New Rating 220 & 228 Implants.
New Grade 10 Stimpaks, Adrenals, & Medpacks.

Flashpoints + Operations

Equipment no longer drops in Operations and have been replaced with Crafting Schematics of modifications. In addition, the amount of crafting materials dropped has been increased.
The Star Fortresses and Eternal Championship are both bolstered to level 70. They are still accessible beginning at level 65.
High-Priority Target Mode Operations have ended. There are no longer Operations each week that are selected as High-Priority Targets.

Menu Bar

The HUD’s main menu bar has been refactored into a much more compact pulldown bar, allowing us to add new systems and content without filling up your screen, and giving you more room to dock quickbars and other HUD elements along the top of the screen.

Keyboard shortcuts are displayed next to the menu items, instead of in a large tooltip on the other side of the screen.
The floating Cartel Market menu has been removed, and entry points to those systems now live in the main Menu Bar.
In addition to the previously accessible menu items, the following have been added to the menu bar for easy access:
Galactic Command (new feature)
Command Stash (new feature)
Interface Editor
World Map

Galactic Command

Upon reaching level 70, subscribers will have full access to the new Galactic Command UI (default shortcut: CTRL-G), where you can quickly jump into any activity in the game to advance your max level character’s power. Features of the Galactic Command UI include:

Immediately travel to Planetary Missions (which include Heroic and Daily Area missions) as well as Story Mode Flashpoints.
Quickly and simultaneously queue for Flashpoints, Uprisings, Warzones, Operations, and Starfighter matches.
View your current Command Experience Points and progress towards your next Command Rank, as well as access to any Command Crates you have accrued.

View your server’s Galactic Alignment to see the current status of the battle between the light side and the dark side on your server.
Chapter Difficulty

The Chapters window has been updated to allow replaying of previous chapters on either “Story” or “Veteran” difficulty levels.

Previous chapters are now displayed in a list on the left side of the window. Medals denote which difficulties at which you have completed each chapter.
The selected chapter’s difficulty can be changed via the Difficulty dropdown next to the Launch button.
You may also change the current chapter’s difficulty by:
Right-clicking the player portrait, or
Selecting the chapter’s entry in the Mission Log and selecting a new difficulty at the bottom of the window

Player Flair

In addition to the “Legendary” status, players can earn new portrait and nameplate decorations (Flair) by increasing their Command Rank or via purchase in the Cartel Market. You can choose which Flair you want to display (or disable it altogether) from the “Title Select” dropdown in the Character Sheet.
Command Stash

Command Crates may be opened via the Command Stash, which functions similarly to a lightweight Pack Explorer.

Crates in your inventory will appear in the left pane.
Click “OPEN” to open the crate, after which your awarded contents will appear in your item stash on the right.
When you are ready to transfer your items from the stash to your inventory, simply select them and click “CLAIM”.
You may also DISINTEGRATE items, which will destroy them in exchange for Command Points.
As you select items, your Command Rank bar will update with a preview of how many cumulative points you will receive for disintegrating said items.
Hovering over an item will also display the disintegration point value in that item’s tooltip.

Galactic Alignment

Players may choose whether their actions contribute to the Dark Side or the Light Side controlling the Galaxy. You may change this setting at any time, via either of two methods:

Toggling the “dark” or “light” button in the Chosen Alignment widget in the HUD (docked next to the minimap by default).
Toggling the “dark” or “light” button in the popup window that appears before launching an activity or when a match is found.


Legendary quality items are now denoted by a gold frame and text color, instead of dark indigo (which was difficult to read, and hard to discern from purple Artifact items).
Tooltips have been made more opaque to increase legibility in situations where lots of text may be displayed behind the tooltip (e.g., vendors)
Added a new “Enhanced” GUI layout, which is applied by default to newly-created Level 65 characters.
When creating a character from the Character Select screen, players may now choose to start at Level 1, Level 60 (Knights of the Fallen Empire) or Level 65 (Knights of the Eternal Throne).

Items + Economy

Expertise has been removed from the game. All items that previously had Expertise no longer have it. No other changes were made to the items other than the removal of Expertise.
Expertise Color Crystals have been converted to Mastery Color Crystals.
Unassembled Gear Tokens now have an equivalent credit value to a purchased item of that rating, allowing them to be sold to a vendor.

Missions + NPCs

The Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 tutorials have been updated and streamlined. Discipline and fantasy-defining abilities are individually granted as Players progress through Chapter 1. This new, reduced selection of abilities utilizes the Enhanced layout for ease of access.
Mission credit income (including Heroic and Bonus Missions) has been reduced for Players in a group, and now gives a base amount of Credits plus 10% for each additional group member.
It is no longer possible to speak to HK-55 prior to defeating the Zakuul Invaders in Chapter VIII of Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Ranked Arena Season 7 has come to a glorious conclusion! You can use your Season 7 Tokens to purchase rewards from the Giradda vendor in the Combat section of either Fleet. Players who have earned End of Season rewards will be granted their items within 7 days of November 29th. If a character who has earned rewards is transferred to a different server, the reward grant will be delayed significantly.
Ranked Warzone Arena Season 8 has started! Get in there and go berserk!


Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Mar 29 Nov - 17:05

Un petit résumé FR Wink

- 1 Nouvelle histoire : KOTET, l'étranger continue de se battre contre le térrible Empire Ethernel dans 9 nouveaux chapitre et 2 nouvelles planètes IOKATH et NATHEMA !
- Toutes les classes peuvent évoluer jusqu'au lvl 70.
- Le Système dark vs light est maintenu, les joueurs auront le choix entre le côté lumineux ou obscur, cela aura un impact sur l'alignement du serveur (en gros on sait quelle est le côté le plus fréquenté je penses). Cependant dans le cas ou votre personnage est du côté obscur et que votre serveur est aligné lui aussi de ce coté vous recevrez :
Des Bonus d'exp commandemant (L'EXPC) et des accès spéciaux à des produits cosmétique chez des vendeurs.
Dans le cas contraire vous recevrez un bonus correspondant à votre alignement

Celon eux il s'agit d'une bataille, mais on est pas censé avoir une alliance dans tous ça ?

- Nouveau Système de Commandement Galactic (SCG). Réaliser des aventures à travers le contenu multi (zl, zg , op) voir solo (H2), progressez et obtenez le stuff le plus puissant.

----->  Recyclage du contenu multi et solo entre autre ^^ " New Repeatable Group Content: Uprisings! Uprisings are fast-paced, powerup-filled adventures for four players featuring two difficulty modes: Story and Veteran " en nm ou hm.

- Nouveau  "Done and Dusted" (je vois pas trop ce qu'il veullent dire par là) en gros des mission ou event dans lesquels on se confronte avec des gang ou des pirates.

- On peut commencer le jeu à partir du lvl 65 sans doute dû à un petit jeton magique ^^.
-Désormais le choix de la classe avancé (ex: Assassin ou Sorcier ?) se fait dès la création du perso.
Toutes les planètes de départ ont été réoptimisée pour s'adapter au besoin des classes avancées.

- La saison 8 du PvP classé à commencé ( donc ce qui confirme que le PVP classé est maintenu).

- Le nombre de personnage pouvant être créée ont été mis à jour :
52 places pour les ABO
26 pour les privi
22 pour les FTP

-Plusieurs résolution de bugs.

- Marché du cartel : Ajout du jeton lvl 65. Les jetons 60 acheté lors de l'extention précédente mais non utilisé seront convertit en jeton 65. Enjoy !
+ correction de bugs.

- Classes : Vaut mieux que vous le fassiez vous même car sinon ça risque d'être long ^^

- Le craft : Tpus les métiers de craft sont élevé jusqu'au rang 600 impliquant de nouveau plans de confection entre 550 rt 6000 et des nouvelles missions
Le grade des composants s'élève jusqu'au niveau 10.

Les métiers peuvent maintenant crafter du 220 et du 228 et les nouveaux kit d'améliorations seront nommés MK-10.

- ZL + Op: Plus moyen de gagner d'équipement en OP, ceci ont été remplacés par des plans de confections ( modifications). En plus la qté de matériaux servant pour le craft à été revu à la hausse.

-Les forteresse (h2) et le tournoi éthernel sont augmenté au lvl 70 et reste cependant accessible dès le niveau 65

- Plus de loot en op = Plus d'op prio. R.I.P

- Interface et les menus : On verra bien en jeu ^^

- Commandemant galactique + Alignement galactique : Voir plus haut svp

- Divers : Les Objets de qualité légendaire sont maintenant notés par un cadre d'or et envoient un texte de couleur, au lieu de l'indigo sombre (qui était difficile de lire et dure à discerner des objets de types Artefact de couleurs pourpres).
Les infobulles ont été faites plus opaques pour augmenter la lisibilité dans des situations où beaucoup de texte peut être (affiché) derrière l'infobulle (par exemple, des vendeurs).
Ajout d'une nouvelle disposition GUI "Améliorée"("Augmentée"), qui est appliquée par défaut au personnages du Niveau 65 nouvellement créés.
En créant un personnage de l'écran de Sélection des perso, les joueurs peuvent maintenant  choisir de vouloir commencer au Niveau 1 ou bien au Niveau 60 ou encore au Niveau 65 les Chevaliers du Trône Éternel. (Il me semble que c'est sous réserve d'avoir le jeton 65 ou 60 que l'on débloque c'est trois possibilités).

Objets + Eco : Plus d'expertise. Tous les objets que vous possédez en expertise n'en ont plus, donc ils gardent toutes les stats hormis l'expertise ( go poubelle en somme ^^).
Pour ceux qui aurait encore des Token non assemblé ( non utilisé) dans leur soutes obtiendront en les revandant leur équivalent en crédits du genre (1 ceinture Token 220 = 16 000 crédits)

Et le bonus: Satisfait ou remboursé ! Merci Eric le directeur de Bioware Europe pour cette précison Wink.

 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Screen12


Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Darky Ven 27 Jan - 18:34

Nouvelles op à partir de la 5.2 ! (cf livestream des dév)

Messages : 811
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Age : 28
Localisation : Washington D.C

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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

Message par Syphow Ven 27 Jan - 20:15

Vivement avril avec ses foutus nouvelles op et la suitte de l'histoire !

Messages : 561
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2014
Localisation : Flotte impérial


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 Knights of the Eternal Throne : News ! Empty Re: Knights of the Eternal Throne : News !

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